News on doping in sport around the world

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First positive doping test at Paris Olympics is Iraqi judoka for anabolic steroids - WTOP News


First positive doping test at Paris Olympics is Iraqi judoka for anabolic steroids - WTOP News

PARIS (AP) — First positive doping test at Paris Olympics is Iraqi judoka for anabolic steroids.

Olympics | Iraqi judoka fails doping test at Paris Olympics


Olympics | Iraqi judoka fails doping test at Paris Olympics

Olympics | Iraqi judoka fails doping test at Paris Olympics

U.S. House committee leaders say IOC threat 'not appropriate' in WADA doping dispute

Sports Business Journal

U.S. House committee leaders say IOC threat 'not appropriate' in WADA doping dispute

Congressional committee leaders are not backing down on their investigation into a Chinese doping scandal and said that it is 'not appropriate' for the IOC to threaten removing Salt Lake City as 2034 host of the Winter Games as leverage to thwart their probe.

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