How the Founder of the Serbia NADO is using the Anti-Doping Database

The Founder of the Serbia NADO, Nenad Dikic, uses the Anti-Doping Database daily in his work.

I have been following the antidoping database from the very beginning, and its founder, Mr. Trond Husø. We have touched indirectly through my blog

Everything I said then is still true today. Trond is not just a journalist who understands antidoping but a man who has essentially helped everyone by creating an antidoping base.

How many times I have discovered something that I could not have otherwise found out, how many times have I made a good presentation, and how many times have I helped to resolve antidoping rule violations thanks to The Anti-Doping Database finally?

Every time, thanks to Trond, who did something WADA was supposed to do. 

Used before a Podcast interview

Thanks to Trond, we have an antidoping database that can help us with our daily work. I don't know if the antidoping world understands this similarly, but I want to thank him publicly. Last night, I went to a famous Serbia podcast discussing the Jannik Sinner case.

Without the Antidoping database, I would not have all the data, my comments would not be equally good, and the public would not get the correct information.

Thanks to the antidoping database, we could see that in addition to Sinner, there were four other Italians who tested positive for Costebol from 2020 to 2024, and two were declared not guilty, while one was sentenced to 4 years. These data cannot be found in the official WADA statistics, and it is not easy to find them on the Internet either.

A tool for NADOs daily work

Because of everything, I think that the antidoping community should pay attention to Mr Tron Husø and the antidoping database because they have a tool that can help them in their daily work, in making decisions, in writing articles and preparing presentations, but above all in reviewing doping cases. As I already wrote, it is not enough to thank Trond; it would be logical to receive recognition from the entire anti-dating community.

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