Russian deputy prime minister doubts testing method for doping substance turinabol

The Russian deputy prime minister is questioning the testing method to detect Oral-Turinabol.


According to the Russian news agency TASS Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko said "Most violations are currently detected according to a technology designed by a former head of Russian lab. Turinabol tests are his invention. Currently, a number of athletes filed lawsuits against his method. The outcome is unclear, but certain experts belive that this test will find turinabol even in coffee." The testing method was developed by both the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, which was led by Grigory Rodchenkov who has now fled the country and living somewhere in the USA. Oral-Turinabol, which is a brand name, is also known as Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone.

Positive cases exploded

In the Anti-Doping Database we have experienced a huge number of cases involving this substance. When the new detection method was put in use, the number of cases exploded from just a few each year to more than 70 in 2012. Since then the number of positive cases involving Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone is higher than it used to be before 2012. - We have also noticed many of the athletes currently being provisionally suspended after their samples collected at the London Olympic Games in 2012 has been re-analyzed, has tested positive for Oral-Turinabol, says Trond Husø - founder of the Anti-Doping Database. - I am not surprised. Like with all new or enhanced methods, nothing is communicated. And so those athletes who had never tested positive for this substance, was now caught in the net, he adds.

Most Russians

Our database shows Russian athletes tops the statistics. Out of the total 155 cases, 42 are Russians. Turkey has banned 20 athletes for using this substance, while Belarus has sanctioned 15. Athletics is the sport with the most cases with its 70 banned athletes. We have currently registered 45 athletes who competes in weightlifting. Only seven body builders has been caught for this substance. 101 athletes has been suspended for two years, while 34 has been given a four year ban. Six has been given a lifetime suspension. More:


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